Symptoms and treatment of organs in human body

Symptoms and treatment of parasites in the human body

The most ancient parasites of mankind, fully inhabited in the body, are insects. Symptoms of parasites in the human body do not always appear in the early stage of infection. Sometimes they are diagnostic of other diseasesExpressions are similar. These are important factors that every adult should remember.

General information

It is difficult to imagine where they come from when the parasites appear in the human body, and how easily they adopt into the human body. The simplest are found on the hands, on the skin, and inside the organs. Each chooses the part of the body for its vital activity where conditions are most favorable. Parasitic organisms are present in both adults and children. And are diverse due to their presence.

Types of classification

In the years of evolution of microorganisms, their structure has been simplified, fixing and forming the genital organs, internal respiration. Thanks to this, they can live and develop without oxygen. Those that cause a pathological condition are divided into three main groups:

  • The simplest.The group includes a large number of organisms, but common: lamblia, trichomonas, toxoplasmosis.
  • Ectoparasites.Living on the surface of the human body: lice, ticks.
  • Bugs.The group includes such parasitic organisms: roundworm, pinworm, echinococcus, opisotheris, and many others.

by delivery location

Parasites are:

  • Found everywhere (ubiquitous).
  • is ​​found in a specific climatic zone (tropical).

how they appear in the body

  • Geohelminthiasis.The group consists of helmets residing in the human body. Gradually, for later life, they move into a lifeless environment.
  • Biohelminthiasis.The peculiarity of the group is that the worm develops outside the human body, but humans are the ultimate host of the parasite.
  • contact helminthiasis.They develop in the human body, are secreted by mature individuals, infecting other people.

by concentration in the body

  • Skylights.Cavity parasitic worms live in the intestine or other luminal organ.
  • cloth.This group includes parasitic organisms living on the human body.

by localization on the body

  • External parasitic person (tick, lice).
  • internal helper:
    • roundworm (pinworm, roundworm);
    • flatworm:
      • flukes (opisthorchis, schistosomes);
      • tapeworm (tapeworm, tapeworm);
  • Bacteria that stimulate bacteria.
  • The simplest parasite.
  • fungal.

Parasites and natural defense in children and adults

Parasitic infections in a child's body are more common than in an adult. The localization of parasites in a child's body is particularly dangerous. In the early stage, the parasite is difficult to identify. Children's immune defenses are severely affected. Weakness. Weak immunity increases the rate of development of helmanths, causing parasitic diseases to develop. The amount of waste products increases, leading to intoxication.

The adult organism's defense from parasites is more robust. The first barrier to detoxify them is the enzyme found in the oral cavity in adults. The next test is stomach acid. It is such a form of protection which is not sufficient for the sick person and the child.

symptoms of the presence of parasites in the human body

Which symptoms should be noted in the body? Symptoms of the presence of parasites in the body are closely related to the location of their localization, varying in variability. But their processes of effect are always similar and interrelated:

  • toxic effects;
  • allergic reaction;
  • protein-energy deficiency;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • immune deficiency.

Parasitic diseases caused by parasitic worms go through many stages of development. The nature of the stage depends on the first signs of parasites in the body:

  • Sharp.It is characterized by general intoxication, as a result, allergies. Children have a greater allergic reaction. The following symptoms also include:
    • increased body temperature;
    • muscle pain;
    • enlarged lymph nodes;
    • digestive disorders;
    • irritability;
    • inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract;
    • weight loss;
    • Damage to the nervous system (depression, irritability).
  • chronic(associated with organ damage). Parasitic diseases are chronic and characterized by organ dysfunction:
    • intestinal damage intestinal obstruction, colitis. goes.
    • When localized in the biliary tract the signs of hepatitis, cholecystitis prevail (often the concepts of heartburn and parasites become inseparable).
    • There are parasitic worms like Tricinosis, which can affect the cardiovascular system.

The presence of a person is the main indicator of violation of the correct functioning of internal organs.

What is the effect on human body?

Parasitic invasion in the human body is a cause of disorders of vital functions and worsening of health. The risk group includes children and the elderly. The amount, the location of their concentration, the length of time from the moment of infection and the general condition of the patient. What kind of loss will happen to a person.

mechanical violation

Having small suction cups on their body, parasites in humans can attach themselves to the walls of any organ. This causes tissue damage. In addition, pathogens actively proliferate, multiply into a group andThey form a complete lump. This leads to the formation of blockage in the organ. When the parasitic organisms grow up, this condition is doubly dangerous.

nutritional deficiency

Once in human organs, insects reduce the protective function of human immunity. They feed on vitamins and nutrients that are essential to human health. Finding themselves in a favorable environment for their survival, They increase in size and quantity. They require more and more vitamins and nutrients for life. When a person is losing weight, during examination, vitamin deficiency can be detected.

Toxic damage from parasites

Parasitic organisms not only live in organs, but also secrete waste products. These are dangerous poisons that poison the body. Live parasites can disrupt the regulation of protein metabolism. And this substance can disrupt the regulation of cells and tissues. Is an important structural component of parasites in humans. Immediate manifestations of allergic reactions, decreased immune defense, and nervous breakdown.

Diagnostic Methods

The known diagnostic method - fecal analysis - is ineffective. Worm eggs are seen under a microscope. They are difficult to find, because they are postponed after a certain time, not every day. Regarding their appearance. To detect, feces should be taken for analysis within 3 weeks, many times. This is inconvenient, which is why more advanced diagnostic methods have appeared in modern medicine:

  • immunoassay.The efficiency of the method is approximately 90%. It is based on the ability of antibodies to change color. With the help of analysis, it is possible to identify the type, quantity, to detect the course of the development of the disease with the parasite. .
  • hemosconing.Invasion detection is done by a fairly new method. A blood test is done immediately after taking a finger sample.
  • computer diagnosis.Exposure to electromagnetic waves helps identify the presence of insects in organs and potential parasitic diseases.
  • abdominal MRI. allows you to identify foci of parasitic localization.

Medical Features

It is not difficult to understand which doctor treats helminthic invasion. The number of parasitic protozoa and worms is quite large, there are also adequate treatment methods and specialists for treatment. Treatment for parasites is done by physicians, parasitologistsThe fight against worms involves a set of measures, which are done according to plan, taking into account the patient's personal factors. What drugs are used more often, and for which type of parasite. The

drug treatment

First of all, the body has to be prepared for treatment against parasites. Special agents bind all the harmful secretions of parasitic organisms and remove them naturally. Then they start antiparasitic therapy. As a ruleIn, every drug in the public domain is offered in a pharmacy. Medicines in the form of tablets are produced more often, but are suspensions, creams, suppositories.

It is not recommended to treat yourself. The drug is selected by a specialist, based on the test results and other factors.

After a course of drug treatment, the patient must undergo repeated tests.

therapy with folk remedies

Treatment of parasites with drugs is toxic. A safe way of dealing with home invasion is treatment with folk remedies. You can cure it at home with your help:

  • Pumpkin seeds, honey and jam. The agent is taken in small portions, on an empty stomach.
  • onion and boiled water. Insist 10 hours, drink 100 ml for 4 days.
  • Horseradish and garlic. In equal amounts, the plants are poured with vodka, stressed for 10 days. Drink 1 tbsp. l per day.

how to avoid infection?

Fighting parasites is difficult. Treatment against parasites does not always work for the first time. Compliance with basic regulations will help prevent parasitic infections, prevent all diseases:

  • After going to the toilet, washing hands before eating.
  • Complete processing of fish and meat.
  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene (especially among girls).

It should be understood that it is quite difficult to avoid parasites by frequenting public places. Therefore, once a year, it is important to drink an antiparasitic drug for prevention purposes, not forgetting about each rule of hygiene. Only a specialist can appoint it. Remember, self-medication is dangerous. It can turn prevention into a major problem.